Robbie from Beneath the Tracksuit (2022) (29.7 x 42 cm) watercolour unframed


Portrait of a man in a tracksuit, leaning against the wall with a walking stick

 Robbie is a wonderful published poet and writes poems about his health condition and has kindly allowed me to use one to go with my portrait of him.
Robbie from Beneath the Tracksuit’s Poem
A diagnosis is more than a diagnosis,
It’s a different perspective in life,
A completely different view,
New worries,
New challenges,
A level of apprehension you’ve never had before.
New fears,
New boundaries,
That feeling of “will I be able to take anymore?”
A diagnosis is more than a diagnosis,
It’s a world full of doctors,
Physio and therapists,
It’s healthy food,
Different medication,
Anything that helps with these uncomfortable sensations.
It’s slowing your pace, I
t’s adjusting your life,
It’s self management and making the most of your time.
A diagnosis is more than a diagnosis,
It’s the new look that people give you,
That confused eye people have when they stare,
It’s friends falling away,
You really notice the ones that care,
It’s watching your family in pain,
Them supporting you and you doing the same.
It’s making the most of everyday,
Trying to find yourself at peace, Being as positive as you can whilst adjusting yourself to a new me.
A diagnosis might be what you see on a medical report, For myself and many others a diagnosis truly is so much more.
A diagnosis is more than a diagnosis July 22 copyrighted
Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 45 × 33 × 0.5 cm