Christopher Peskett 2022 (25 x 25 cm) watercolour unframed


Portrait of man in grey jacket on blue patterned background

This is a painting of Christopher Peskett with elements from one of his paintings in the background. Who has had many health issues. Chris has some learning disabilities so his story in his own words is done via a question and answer interview with his Mum. Thank you very kindly Christopher for your wonderful collaboration in this painting.
This is the message I received from Chris’s Mum and her interview with Christopher :
Chris is 31 and was born with Tuberous Sclerosis. He has learning difficulties, short term memory loss, epilepsy, brain tumors, kidney and liver disease, scoliosis, and at 14 was sadly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He loves art and helping people. I have posed some questions, and his answers to give an insight into his feelings.
Did you feel different growing up? Yes, a bit because I had to be bought up in a different way because I had to learn differently from other people.
How did you feel when you spent 3 months in hospital? Is one of those things. I was nervous about the big operation, and if there would be complications.
Do you remember being very ill after your operation? No, just when I woke up, my stomach was in pain, but it didn’t bother me because they said it would be.
How do you feel about your scar? I think it is an achievement. I am the only one I know who has it…I am proud of my scar.
How did you feel when you were told it was likely you would die very soon?
I was a bit sad….and I was gutted because I wouldn’t be able to experience my 18th birthday. I was more angry because I would miss out on so much.
What are you life goals?
I would have like to have been a Dad, but I know I can’t be. I would like to be recognised, because people think that people with disabilities can’t do things. I want to show them that we can.
How do you feel about your health now?
Pretty good actually. I haven’t had any problems really. I feel better that I go to the gym now.
Are you scared about dying?
No actually, because I have achieved a lot of things in life. I would be a bit gutted and sad, but I know that I have done a lot.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Just one thing…I would have liked to have taken up theatre. I think if I wasn’t disabled, I would have the same life, except I would be a Dad. I think I would have been a good one.
Are you proud of yourself?
I am proud of what I have achieved….like….Getting my own independence, got married, got my own house.
Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 28 × 28 × 0.5 cm