Anna Carlotta 2023 (22.9 x 30.5 cm) Watercolour and Gold Ink


Portrait of woman sat on floor wearing a beret with one hand raised and the other lowered, both palms facing outwards, she is wearing very patterned clothing – the background is in Klimt style patterns broken up with areas of gold ink

Anna’s story in her own word:

As a child, I was shy and withdrawn, and was bullied at school by teachers and children. One teacher smacked me in front of the class as I could not recall what she said about Poppy Day. A child also stamped on my national health glasses. In the cotswolds, I was teased at school because my mum didn’t have stair carpets and was called “Cat’s Eyes”. Also, my sister and I were both bullied as our dad was deputy head of the comprehensive school, and one guy threatened me because my dad had caned him for punishment. At 15, we moved house and changed schools. I was very unhappy, went off the rails and didn’t brush my hair. Some girls from another form locked me in a cupboard. I also had to see an Educational Psychologist. In 1975/76, developed agoraphobia, aged 18, while attending Bootle Tech and had to leave. I fought the terrifying feelings and continued to go out. In 1979, suffered obsessive thoughts about a haunted house, with severe stomach aches and anxiety. Spent the winter in bed for 2 months. In 1985, developed tight chest symptoms, stomach issues and more obsessive thoughts as if I was possessed and became irritable. At the end of 1986, discovered art and used it as therapy. From 1993 -95, suffered from severe depression, after a broken relationship, where I took a wrong path. Felt dark and bleak and stayed in bed frequently. In 1997, Kate and I moved to Devon, but was plagued with more obsessive thoughts which effected my neck and throat that tightened up so much that I often developed migraines. Panic attacks followed and got so bad, I couldn’t sit down or write properly and almost left the Fine Art course I started in 1999 , but hung on and got my degree in Fine Art in 2004. Also saw a psychiatric nurse. In 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was deeply shocked and traumatized. Went through surgery, radiotherapy and anti-hormone drugs. This made my anxiety increase, causing more hyperventilation and stomach problems. In 2022, I was diagnosed with autism and adhd which came as a relief.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 32 × 25 × 0.5 cm