Trevor Palmer 2023 (25 x 25 cm) watercolour unframed


Portrait of older man sat smiling with cacti and plants behind him

Trevor’s Story in his own words – In 1994, at the age of forty, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis which had a detrimental effect on my mobility.
Two years later I was injured in a terrorist bombing incident in Addis Ababa which created balance and hearing issues.
Within twelve months of that incident I became a part time wheelchair user and a couple of years later a wheelchair became my full time means of getting about.
Sixteen years ago I has a Supra Pubic catheter fitted and since then every four or five years have to undergo operations to remove stones from my bladder.
Last autumn a very large stone was detected in my bladder which meant that my tummy and bladder would need to be cut into to remove it. I had to wait over four months for the operation due to my having a skin condition called Bullous pemphigoid which had flared up a few months earlier to improve.
I run a small business which employs mostly people with disabilities as well as running a not for profit voluntary organisation that assists people with disabilities in difficult situations worldwide called ResponsABLE assistance. My activities also include being actively involved in many other projects and organisations, mostly equality, social care and access related.
The challenge of keeping everything together, as well as all the medical stuff due to my operation site getting infected, whilst having to spend most of my time in bed has created additional issues that have effected my general outlook on life that have challenged my mental well-being.
Dealing with doctors,chemists, carers, hospitals and nurses whilst trying to maintain an independent life style has taken its toll.
I love life, people and experiencing all peoples perspectives and views. Sharing stories through visual art, storytelling and touch inspires and motivates me creatively.
Massive thank you to Trevor for the fabulous collaboration
Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 28 × 28 × 0.5 cm