Non-Binary Health Collection

Project doing portraits of people who have faced and dealt with or are dealing with mental health issues, with their stories in their own words

ID Non-binary person sat in wheelchair, they have a mohican hairstyle and they are flinging their arms out, black brolly in one hand, in an expression of joy. Behind them are trees and a leafy covered ground. And even further in the distance is iron railings

Title – Fee Henson 2024

Thank you very kindly to Fee Henson for this fabulous collaboration
Fee’s pronouns are they/their 
Here is Fee’s full story to go with their portrait –
“As anyone else with chronic illness will know, migraines are not uncommonly comorbid, but these ones were lasting months at a time, I was no sooner out of one GP than I was booking an answer trying to get some kind of treatment or answer. I’d turned up at A&E hoping for any kind of help whatever two nights in a row at one point. After this the GP had the nerve to ask me if I’d tried acupuncture for it. I left that appointment crying. The next GP appointment the GP said it’s probably nothing but let’s get an MRI done just in case. Little did she know that she might have just saved my life. The morning after the scan the doctor’s surgery called me back in urgently and said I needed to go to hospital where I had another CT scan. Thankfully I wasn’t having the aneurysm they thought I was having but instead I had a large brain tumour taking up residence inside my head. I had surgery to remove it in 2017 and radiotherapy on the negligible amount that remains to slow its regrowth. I also have a number of self-harm scars from my younger years as I live with bipolar, but I’ve been stable for many years now. I have regular MRIs to check it hasn’t started growing back yet though this kind of tumour is known to recur so that can make me quite anxious about the future sometimes. As headaches and migraines were my only symptom I can get quite anxious about friends with similar symptoms too. You can learn more about astrocytomas on the Brain Tumour Charity website:…/typ…/astrocytoma
Materials – Watercolour (40.6 x 30.5 cm) Unframed
Price – £639 ($814) plus package and postage
Prints – £40 plus Package and postage
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